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BloomSuites | Ahmedabad

Surdhara Circle, Nilmani Society, Near B/H Sal Hospital, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, 380054
₹ 4,637 per night onwards
Incl. taxes
bolt Lowest Price, Guaranteed!

What makes us Bloom?

With so much to tell & so little time, here are a few key highlights.

Tech with heart
Like a best friend you can always trust & rely on, we're there for you every step of your stay helping you bloom to your best.
Automated Cleanliness
We actually design our hotels to be easier to clean which is probably why people keep saying we’re the cleanest hotel chain in India.
Sleep Tech
Our custom built CloudBeds™ are so comfortable you may just find yourself hitting the alarm snooze a few too many times.
About Ahmedabad

Located on the banks of the Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad, the Manchester of India, is a colourful city that grows quickly on you. Ahmedabad is India’s first World Heritage City and yet is known for its modern culture. Ahmedabad is the centre of art, culture and business and hence has a lot of thriving opportunities and heritage monuments to be explored. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and Amdavadis are a living example of this. Amdavadis are big foodies and have a unique food culture that will surprise your taste buds.

Apart from the unique food, Ahmedabad has a lot of beautiful places to visit, such as the Sabarmati Riverfront, the Gandhi Ashram, Kankaria Lake, Adalaj Step Well etc to name a few. According to a survey done by HT, Ahmedabad is one of the safest cities in India for women and therefore has a high influx of solo female travellers.

If you plan on visiting Ahmedabad, don’t forget to check out Bloomsuites for a unique hotel stay in Ahmedabad. Bloom is designed for the comfort of young and young-at-heart travellers and is undoubtedly the best hotel in Ahmedabad for female travellers.